
Dirty Paws


04-13-2013, 04:52 AM

The trap had been set. It could have gone one of two ways. Either she tripped the line and the indifferent female would come charging back with her fury exposed for all to see or she would bid her words and continue forward. Her money was on the former rather then the later but what ever way the female chose was fine by her. Her attention was drawn to the other female. Her words touched her ears first and she smiled her gratitude. ?The water cools the fire in my body. My kingdom has been suffering a rather aggressive drought. Though I enjoy the voices of the flowers their ideal chatter was becoming slightly aggravating.? She said thoughtfully. Their voices had been soothing for many confusing days but the recent events had put her on edge and she wished that they would simply shut up rather then continue to pester her.

Soon enough the other came with a quick rebuttal to her offer. Oh, this little girl needed a lesson in manners. If she weren?t so tired and hot she would show her just the type of stag she was. As it was her tongue was quick to lash out with a laugh, ?When you rip the world from another with your very own teeth I do think there isn?t much else to worry about. I am a legend amongst wolves. The Queen Slayer. So no my dear, the unknown doses not disturb me. Even babe swollen I could steal your life if I desired it.? she said blandly, yet the intent was obvious in her eyes. She had taken a life or two and had no qualms doing it again. When one rang with assassins one knew how to walk the shadow roads. ?I do say child you have a stick shoved so far up your ass your spitting out splinters.? She said with a laugh, her voice was deep and warmed. No aggression was displayed or signs of annoyance came as a reaction from the little girls words.

She listened as the other chided the first. Her mind was a bit hazy. What was the youth?s name? The heat was still affecting her mind or perhaps it was simply her mind being itself. Sanity wasn?t a thing she was use to keeping. ?Calantha is merely showing her concer and I do not find that insulting. Its flattering to know you feel insulted for me.? her voice wrapped with mirth. This wolf, Eos, needed to loosen up a bit. The world was a tragedy and Cerberus knew that only a few knew her story, Champion had see the truth in her eyes. Seen the pain that her past had brought her but many knew nothing and only saw the bat shit crazy queen that ruled the kingdom of Lentajin. ?At least this one has manners enough to speak her name little doe.? She said allowing the insult to be thrown right back at her. She shifted her attention to Calantha. ?I am known as Newt Saxe. I am the current Queen of Lantajin. What brings you wandering about my dear?? she asked with a hint of curiosity.