
We are what we are



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
10-05-2015, 06:51 AM

Chaos squeaked in outrage as he was flattened by his mama's paw, and he reached out to bat at her as he struggled, giggling. But his face fell as she suddenly expressed doubts about the idea. Was... was she changing her mind? He didn't get to go outside? "Of course I mean it," she added, and Chaos growled a mock growl at her. Well... well he hadn't been fooled by her playing! He knew she'd just been joking! She licked at his head and he squealed in protest, trying to wriggle out from under her paw to no avail. Noooooo not the dreaded baaaaaath. He went tumbling away in escape when she finally lifted her paw. Yes! Freedom! "Well what are you waiting for? Let's go outside!"

If Cascade hadn't been ready for it and beaten him to the exit, Chos would have been outside before she had finished her sentence. "Yayyyyyyyy!" he shrieked, bolting immediately for that bright circle that, until now, he'd been forbidden from, only to smack into Mama's hind legs and go rolling backwards. "Mama hurry uuuuuuup." He danced impatiently in place waiting for her to hurry up and stop being slow so he could go outside, and FINALLY her butt disappeared out of the exit and Chaos was out of there like an arrow from a bow.

Only to stop dead as the bright light suddenly blinded him and sent him tumbling tail over ears into a heap in the grass. Whaaaaat was this?! It was way brighter out here than in the den. Chaos screwed up his face and squinted around until finally the dazzle left his eyes and he could actually see, and wow everything was so much more bright and colorful than in the den! "Mama!" he gasped, awestruck, but the moment passed quickly before he was on his feet and racing around looking at everything. "What'th thith?!" he asked, pouncing on a tuft of grass. "And and, thith?" he began chasing after a grasshopper, only to be distracted as a butterfly fluttered by his face so he turned on his heels and raced after the colorful fluttery. "Mama looki thith!"


Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write