
hush now



10 Years
10-05-2015, 08:04 PM

The plants he had consumed would take longer to work on him; their effects were dull, lessened by the pain he felt aching in his bones and the tolerance for them he had built over the years. The world seemed to brighten slightly, partially obscuring the pain and partially heightening his senses. The feeling was dull, but noticeable, from the small amount of herbs he had consumed. His eyes grew gentler as he watched her, a startling difference from his usual hysterical, wide-eyed stare. Her own attention seemed to shift toward him, a strangeness in her eyes. He figured it was the herbs, soothing her pain, pouring over her mind like water might cascade over the rocks of a waterfall.

"A wife for me?" he asked, a rhetorical question, laughing a bit. Perhaps if the gods meant it, it would be, but it was not something he envisioned for himself. While loyalty was of the utmost importance to him, it was not that kind of loyalty. He felt no real pull for heirs; he had found no woman suitable to carry his seed. If there would be more Finnvi children, they could not just come from anyone. He laughed softly at his own words, though grew somber once again. "Laufey's son would not work as an heir," he would admit, his gaze shifting away from her. "What do we know of the mother? Either way, a thrall's child will not be suitable. Not at all."

His brows pulled together as he found himself slipping into deeper thought. Katja was far too suited to bear children to continue the Finnvi legacy, and yet she had sworn herself to Freya. But the gods were not unchanging; perhaps they might decide they had more use of Katja than that. His mind whirled. "Perhaps Laufey has some idea what we might do," he sputtered finally, lifting his head to his nephew's direction, letting a sharp bark echo across the land. He felt a sudden need to figure this out, as though time was suddenly running out and the weight of this decision fell squarely upon his shoulders.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.