
I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations



7 Years
10-05-2015, 11:24 PM

She shivered slightly as she stepped into the water, and was about to go rolling about in the pool until Athena started to clean her with her paw. She hummed as each touch sent an electric shock down her spine, both from the gentleness of the caress as well as the shock of the cold water. Silence spread between them as the taller woman cleaned her, and Amalia looked over her shoulder to try and catch her gaze. "So are you going to tell me why you are so glum, or do I have to pry it out of you?" she asked with her usual tenderness, shivering again as a chilly breeze shocked her to the bone. It was a bad time to go digging for herbs in the mud, there was already the threat of winter in the cool air. Her tiny pale flank pushed up against her wife, thankful for her thick fur that lend her all the heat she needed. Plus she couldn't help but admit that her heat scent was lending her a whole different type of warmth.

Amalia didn't need to ask Athena again, she knew her lover well and could tell when her mood was off. She had a bet on what it was, and as her pelt was cleaned of the mud she stepped forward and dug her nose into her soft neck. Pressing her damp body even closer to her wife, she pressed a few soft nips on her shoulder, stretching up to reach as high as she could get. Not that she wanted to turn her on right now, but she wanted to offer her the comfort of her touch. She was here, and always would be. No matter what, Ama would be here until her dying breath.

"talk" 'think' "you"