



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-06-2015, 04:07 AM

There was only a single question from Valenine, his curiosity piqued no doubt. Sin was a man of his word despite his demeanor, but he always fell through with what he said. He didn't know much about Imperium, but he knew the pack was a strong force and a good one to have on one's side, or at least not an enemy. Sin however, didn't see them as potential enemies. If they could come to terms of allying or a truce, well...that would be the question here today.

Amber gaze fell quietly towards his son. The resemblance between them very alike, though he knew not what Angelus was all about. Still, he would respect the pair. "Well, I am a man of business as I am sure you are. I keep my word, and I do not boast of promises that will be broken. I have plans for the future, and..." He would pause for a moment, a sly grin pulling at blood stained lips. "I hope it is something that you will be interested in. I seek to have imperium as an ally. You're a great fighter, Valentine, and in return I can bring you slaves and lend my support and aid where and should you need it. I am also sure, that you are well aware of Arian and her poor excuse of a pack. I seek to rent her asunder, and I have no doubt I could do it alone. But...perhaps you too, would be interested in doing the same?"

Yes, he sought to someday show Arian that she had made enemies of the wrong people whether she realized it or not. Stepping on one too many toes, and she would learn of her mistakes. Be it a siege or a raid, he would purge the weak and return the lands to the claws of the strong. It was who survived after all. The weak did not.