
King For A Day



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-06-2015, 04:20 AM

He eyed the old pack wolf with great distrust, but his words seemed genuine and sincere. Still, Arian had shown the same...and in the end, she had betrayed her word. Though he wouldn't entirely place his trust in Allen at this moment, he would take his word...for now. "I do not boast, so let it be a warning." The calico male inquired about troubles on his family, and Sin would shake his head slightly. "Not yet, no. But I expect a pack wolf would take advantage if they could..." His voice was a low growl, though not threatening Allen, he would not give too much information away either.

At the mention of sanctuary in the old dogs pack, his fur bristled again slightly, eyes narrowing. Was this a trap? Did he not think him capable of protecting his own family? "I must decline. As I said, I don't trust pack wolves and I'm not inclined to me or my family potentially being slaves in...Abaven, should things go awry. I assure you, your pack would be better off without my presence among them."

He regarded the man with a careful eye, the male truthful in his words thus far...and if he sought to trick him, Sin was sure he could best him in a duel and put the senior in the dirt should he need to. But he would refrain for the time being as he watched and waited. The Abaven wolf would then give his name, and whether it was a mistake on his part would be unknown for now. But the name Walker was familiar, so he was related to Arian? Perhaps it was best to remain as subtle as possible then...he didn't trust her anymore, so why trust her relatives?

"Sin." It would be the only word to fall from his lips as he kept his guard. He wondered if the man had heard his name from Arian, or if she told him the lies she seemed to be telling everyone else about him. "I take it you're Arians relative...?"