
Dance of a Rose



7 Years

10-06-2015, 12:28 PM
Lillie blinked. Huh, she got a laugh from him. She had a very distinct feeling that it was rare for the stoic boy, so quiet and responding minimally to things. She felt pleased with herself; she had the feeling Star - her other dear friend besides Finch - would be quite impressed, her actually being... sociable being him and Finch. If he had even caught on to that; it was all up in the air.

That caused her gaze to be drawn to Star, who was a little ways away, not too far, but certainly too far to hear Lark's and hers conversation... close enough to notice it, though. A quick smile would appear, fading in an instant as she turned her attention back to Lark. She instantly regretted it.

Her ears flattened at his words initially, although she forced them up in an attempt to hide the... disagreement going on her. Still, her ear flickered every now and then. What was much more prominent was the sudden anger flaring up in her eyes, completely visible as Lark kept going. A low growl, very audible, rumbled deep in her chest. How dare he snap at her for caring about Finch? How dare he have... have that attitude? She wasn't speaking because she thought he didn't know, she was speaking because she was worried. She knew he would know, but she was simply rambling... and apparently being worried was a bad thing.

She stepped forward, closer to him, ignoring the fact he was much, much bigger than her. She did not care. No, she glared down at him, not because she was bigger, but because mentally that was her intention. Her voice was low and angry when she spoke. "I will care about her if I want to, Lark." His name emerged as a growl. "And I very much want to. You can take care of her, but damn you if you think I won't help." Her tail had curved over her back, ears pricking completely upright in not just a posture of dominance, but the very attitude of try me.

"Speech" "Language"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.