
Walking The Plank

Finch I


4 Years

10-06-2015, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2015, 12:43 PM by Finch I.)

The girl strolled along the river, careful to not get too close to the edge. The pounding of water was all that she could hear, and was thankful for the slight pressure of Civetta on her back. Finch didn't often come to this part of the territory, generally she lingered in the plains and close to the family den. But her feathered friend had wanted to see the fast moving waters, and didn't often go anywhere without Finch. Which was probably a good idea, because for a tiny, tiny bird, she had quite the beak on her. Sharply spoken and seemingly no fear at all, the wolf was glad that she could offer a bit of protection to her. Letting out a soft sigh she was about to turn back towards the plains when she heard a sharp cry. Head snapped up quickly as her wide blue eyes inspected the waters, had someone been calling from in there? "Civetta! Fly o-over the water and s-see if you can s-see someone!" she called, hardly waiting long enough to give the bird a solid take off. Pale paws moved to run alongside the rapids, until she heard the finch's song call out to her downstream. She saw a wolf's head bobbing in and out of the water, and fear coursed through her. She wasn't strong enough to pull him out!

"Finch quick, down here!" the bird sang, and the girl was hardly able to pick it up over the rushing sound in her ears. Quickly she raced towards the call, seeing that Civetta had found a fallen log that jutted across the water. Swallowing hard she lowered herself to the slick surface, the frothing water had made it damp and had stripped all the bark from it. Dull claws dug into the log for more purchase as she wiggled as far out as she dared. Heart pounded fast in her chest as she leaned down, just in time to latch her teeth on the stranger's scruff. But Finch was not a strong wolf. She began to panic slightly, fear coursing through every inch of her body. She wasn't sure that she would be able to pull this wolf backwards. He was smaller than her, just a pup, but his weight still put strain on her neck. And backing up on the wet log did not sound like a good idea. But the chirping from Civetta behind her allowed her to focus on the sound, feeling her sharp beak pull at the hair on her tail. The finch was trying to guide her backwards, and very, very slowly she shimmied towards the bank. One of her hind legs slipped from under her and her eyes flew wide, a yelp sounding between the fur of the pup. Her belly slammed hard against the log, and she fought to catch her breath. "Finch! Its okay! You are almost there!" The bird cried, and Finch tried to ignore the panicked tones in her voice. Huffing she pulled herself to all fours, nor daring to turn around as she quickly scrambled backwards. When the brush of grass finally greeted her, she reared upwards and turned, flopping down to solid ground with the soaked boy near her nose. Panting heavily her blue eyes slipped closed for a moment as she tried to calm her racing heart.


Art by Evelyn