


04-13-2013, 02:05 PM
The call came for him as he slept, curled against Luce as always with his head resting on her back. His ear twitched at the noise, snapping him from his dream world. He stepped away from his ivory lover and stretched out his body, careful not to wake her. Truly this was bliss. A life with a woman he loved, in a place that saw only his potential. A place where they had taken nothing and given him everything. Paradise. He kissed his mates forehead gently, caught a quick drink from the cascading waterfall, and then he was off. Off to find the alpha that had summoned him.

Hurried legs brought him to the female, he was blissfully unaware of what had transpired, that he no longer belonged to Tortuga, that his family had arrived to once again rip him away from his happiness and drive him to hate them further. "Morphine!" He called happily. "What troubles you?" He asked. To be called by an alpha was truly unexpected, it could go both ways, either good or bad, although considering his track record it had to be good. He had trained night and day to become the greatest warrior Tortuga had ever seen, he had found a mate that cared for him, and come winter would bare him beautiful cubs. No, obviously Morphine had called him there to congratulate him on all of his success, all of his accomplishments, all that he had gained since he joined.

Words words words

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