
Slaying The Demons



4 Years
10-06-2015, 09:48 PM

With a Capital T

Arian would waste no time with her mind going blank, her previous anger only fueled this. On the inside, it was exactly what she wanted. Her lips curled back to reveal canine’s and a very mischievous smile. Immediately, she narrowed her eyes at her opponent. Ears pinning to the back of her skull as her scruff rolled forward and her hackles raised. Her chin tucked to her chest, and her toes splayed into the dirt. Using her good three legs for balance she dug her right back leg into the dirt behind her as she shifted her rump to the right. Using her left front leg to take a step back and avoid his shoulder jutting into her and putting them at an obtuse angle. His left front paw scraped the middle of her right forelimb leaving mild scratches behind. His head would make a swing to his left to the left side of her face, because of the repositioning his jaws would make contact with her left shoulder right near her neck. The teeth reaching in a half inch deep as she repositioned her right leg further out to balance her body the bleeding profuse. Arian’s limp left back leg simply staying on it’s course to help with balance.

Opening her own jaws she tilted her head to the right snapping her jaws for the left ear that sat pinned on his head. Her upper jaw seeking the top of his head and the lower jaw seeking just below the ear like a trap. Arian’s tail leveled with her spine to help with balance and she kept her muscles tensed up and prepared. Toes spread and nails digging into the terrain. Her crystal eyes kept locked on him. He would know the pain she could cause, despite her disability.

Sin vs Arian for Maim(tearing of his left ear)

ooc: I will be using my +5 point pass for this fight from donations CLICK ^w^

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.