
Bones of our Ancestors

Motif I


4 Years
10-07-2015, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2015, 12:56 PM by Motif I.)

Motif bared her teeth at the mention of Threar's fall, making it clear to bass where she stood on that. She was furious, their cousins where sweet and passive, deserving of their peaceful home. Of this Sin, she knew nothing of him or his intentions and she wholeheartedly agreed with Bass. Sin did not deserve to sit happily on his throne as through what he had done was acceptable. Abaven would avenge its lost sister pack, they would defend themselves from this unknown assailant. The news of Allen surprised her, she had not expected this from one who had led at Bass's side, to abandon them now.

When Bass asked for those who wished to volunteer to speak she rose to her feet, pulling herself to her full height, fire in her eyes and teeth bared. “You have always, and will always, have my fangs, brother mine. Let us taste the blood of our enemies together. Bass, before we leave, I wish to challenge for Azgrat, to stand truly at your side through thick and thin” she grinned at Bass then, she might not be a blood thirsty wolf by nature, but she heard the call to arms. she grinned at her mate, who's voice had risen before her own, and sat back beside the small group she had settled around. here was Shai, and Star, and her oldest daughter. she hoped the two children beside them would take the healers choice, and she and Shai would fight at her brothers side.

Walk, "Talk" Think