
Bones of our Ancestors



5 Years
10-07-2015, 12:56 PM
Starling would smile softly to his brother when he greeted him, and he nodded slowly. "M-my entire l-life h-has been t-training for s-something like this" He said softly, before turning his eyes back to Bass. So many wolves of Abaven came in so suddenly that he could barely keep up, but he'd offer a smile to everyone that greeted him or looked in his direction. When Motif sat beside him, he would smile up at her, and lean over to nuzzle at her shoulder before sitting up again.

When Bass began to speak, he wasn't at all surprised. He had known something like this would transpire perhaps before his father. He had just...never known it would be their family in the crosshairs. He didn't know it would be Threar that would fall. And oh, Hellstrom would be stopped. When Bass spoke to him, he perked up, blue eyes widening slightly. He was giving him the task? Excitement coursed through him then, the chance to show everyone what he could do. They would fight, and when it was all over, Starling would make everything okay again. He would stand at the end of Bass's speech, looking at his father. "S-since returning from S-sonticus, I have b-been w-working tirelessly t-to gather battle h-herbs. I a-am confident I h-have e-enough, but an-anyone wh-who wishes to a-add to th-the stock is w-welcomed. We c-can never have too m-much. I'll n-need all the h-healers, and a-anyone wishing to v-volunteer, to h-help move i-it a-all. I will g-go to Avian E-esturary to set up a safe, secure l-location, and b-before the battle b-begins, Father, I w-will n-need that a-assistance." He stuttered yet somehow with confidence. A small smile would touch his lips then as he looked at Bass. "Possiamo noi tutti trovare la vittoria... insieme, come una sola." He said softly before sitting down again, allowing others to speak if they wished. He had a lot more work ahead of them, before the battle began.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"