
Bones of our Ancestors



7 Years

10-07-2015, 01:33 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2015, 01:35 PM by Lillianna.)
Lillianna would stand up to speak, but she was beaten by others: Shai first, standing, and declaring his allegiance and willingness to battle. The girl Calypsei followed, her blue fur bright in the sun. Motif would rise, and Lillie would find herself free of the anger that had crippled her - instead, she was focused on the unity, the pack... her thoughts and feelings about Motif did not matter now; they were pack, and that was all that mattered. Starling would pip up, and she'd listen to his stuttering word, pride flashing in her eyes and obvious on her face as she watched the boy. There was a determination, a confidence despite the stuttering, and she loved that; she loved even more the eloquent words of Italian that fell from his lips at the end, despite her ignorance to their meaning.

She would remain quiet this time, waiting to see if any others would speak up before she did: it appeared there were others waiting to speak, and she was not wrong. Quelt spoke, doubting, hesitating, asking Bass to reconsider. While she did not doubt that this siege was also for personal reasons, she also knew that you did not question your alpha. Not in a time like this, not publicly. She'd clench her jaw as he continued speaking, but by the end, she could not keep her mouth shut. She whirled on the male, eyes glittering. Despite this, she was not hostile - her ears were pricked, not flattened in anger. Her fur was flat, not bristling. No, she was not angry - not visibly, anyways. "Do you think he hasn't considered?" she hissed at blue male. "This has been in the plans for nearly two months! Shortly after the challenge, he had me go investigate Sin's pack - their numbers, their warriors; the females, the males - two months ago. There are times when you can question your alpha, but this is not one of them." The last statement had dropped her voice, but she was still loud and clear - and right. She turned from the man, and cast her gaze upon the gathering.

"I am not the alpha here. I am barely a Gison. However, I do know that this is a time where we need to stand together. Any doubts, hesitations, problems, they can be dealt with after. For if you hesitate, if you doubt, then you do not truly trust this man leading us," her voice was strong, and passionate; wild, fiery - that was Lillie, and it was embodied fully in her words, in her actions, in her very posture. She would spin back around to face Bass. "I will fight with you, Bass. I am Abaven's; completely and wholeheartedly, and I will fight with you until I've no more breath to give," she declared, tail raising above her spine, eyes sparkling with a fiery, dark passion.

She would stand there a moment more before turning and stalking towards Starling and Shaye. She'd stare at them, almost defiantly, daring them to challenge her words. "I will assist the healers before the battle." The words would drift to whoever was listening, but mainly, the words were for the two in front of her. Her eyes would try to lock onto Star's, then Shaye's; trying to pass on what she felt, this unity, this fire. To communicate why, for she was not certain if either healer would completely understand.

"Speech" "Language"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.