
Bones of our Ancestors



7 Years
Extra large
10-07-2015, 02:01 PM

The male was slightly distracted by the smaller female pressing into him. It seemed his faith had wavered because his head was spinning. He looked at Lillie and to Bass, hadn't he just said if enough of them disagree'd that they wouldn't go through with this? So now he was acting like Quelt was in the wrong. Frankly, it pissed him off a little that Bass would question his own independence like he was some sort of slave. That was, until the man was finished talking. He was not arguing with Bass, he was not opposing him he just needed that sort of kick and information. It made him shrug Limno off of him, standing at his full height as he pulled back his fangs. If it was one thing he didn't like, it was that he felt Bass was looking down on him. This anger though, wasn't gestured at his fellow packmates, the family that he held dear. He was just pissed off now that Sin had gotten them into this situation.

Quelt's tail flicked back and forth in his rage. "You two act as if I was turning my back on Abaven." for a moment he smiled, the man could be as dangerous as he was cuddly. "I am the son of a duke in my old kingdom. I am a warrior of Abaven and I've been through thick and thin with you Bass. I've never seen you this angry, I have not seen your strifes. But it would mean the world to me if I could stand by your side in this fight. Abaven is and always will be my home. My children will grow up here and I hope they understand and stay to honor it's name as a whole." he placed a paw down in front of him. "Whatever it takes, I am not letting them lay a hand on our home." his eyes moved over to Lillie for a moment. It was true and that was how he felt. After all Quelt was a man who had been lost many times. Bass was his best friend, it angered him a little that others were getting close to him. Was this was jealousy felt like. The end of his tail twitched, they would know pain. They would know the devil inside of him that Venus taught him to release out of his own will.

"They won't lay a hand on Abaven." in the back of his mind his teeth were already gnawing at the bones. As much as his inexperience left him, Lillie was right. Any hesitation could mean their death, if this man was anything like they said. His chest heaved a little, there were matters they would worry about later on. The main thing mistakes made was because of miscommunication. Clarity was something Quelt craved and what he had gotten. It was clear in the dark matters of his face. This anger was something he didn't want to let consume him, but it was there to bite down into the enemy.
