
You Better Be Good To Me

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-13-2013, 01:27 PM


The ivory temptress was getting bigger and bigger by the minute. Pregnancy was by far her least favorite thing to deal with, but she would only have to deal with it a few weeks longer. Her due date was lingering just around the corner, then she would be done with this horrid thing once she had given birth. She hated being overweight, emotional, and very irritated all the time. If Collision hadn't asked her to start a pack meeting for him she wouldn't even be here. She would be in her den, sleeping the days away until her due date. But, because she was the Beta, she had to put her own matters aside, and do what's best for the pack. She slithered toward the heart of the pack, her plump belly making her body sway from side to side. Even walking was a feat she hated to deal with. Once she had gotten to her destination she took her place where Collision usually sat, lifted her muzzle to the heavens, and sang for all of Valhalla to hear. All members were expected to attend, and if some chose not to, they would face dire consequences. What Collision wanted this meeting for she did not know, but she assumed it was important. She dipped her head back down to its usual height and began waiting for everyone to arrive.

Deadline is April 16. All members of Valhalla must attend.