
Bones of our Ancestors



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
10-07-2015, 06:25 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2015, 10:17 PM by Zell.)

So this what it was all about? He listened quietly to Bass as he spoke of what they were to do. However, the reasoning behind it...was a bit absurd. They were going to war over another fallen pack...that was...ridiculous in his mind. To put your warriors at risk over a war for revenge? At least, that's what it sounded like. Although he had never heard of Threar, or even the guy that Bass seemed so...afraid of, he remained quiet as everyone else spoke their peace. He had an aloof look on his face, showing nothing else as he silently thought. Allen had left huh? It must have been for good reason...he felt Bass was keeping something from them just to rile them up with some excuse to go at war with a pack that really, hadn't done anything to Abaven or even touched them. But yet...he wanted to go to war because a pack that has family, fell. Well whoopdy doo! It happened all the time, however, as Quelt had brought the questions he was thinking, Bass was quick to shut him down.

Zell's eyed narrowed slightly, he seemed to bent on this that it seemed like even if someone refused to fight, he would probably banish them from Abaven...just like Allen had said he wouldn't fight, and he was gone. He supposed Bass was giving them an ultimatum whether he said it aloud or not. Then the brat would turn on Quelt, didn't she ever learn to shut the hell up and not get involved with shit that didn't directly involve her? God she was so nosy...he would refrain from speaking anything to her though, just like she had been doing to him. Still no apology from her since the hunt, evidently Star hadn't rubbed off on her, but Star was also someone he could call a friend now. Clearing his throat, he would shift slightly though kept his mouth shut. His gaze turned away, whether Bass chose to kick him out for not speaking to join in, well...that was on him. Personally, he had no beef with anyone...He wasn't particularly fond of getting into another war...this would be the second since he was born. But it was this, or risk being kicked out again. Then again, what was the difference?


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!