



1 Year
04-13-2013, 01:30 PM

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

She made no attempt to hide herself, for what was the fun in remaining hidden from one that was oh so close to yourself? There was no doubt within the temptress' mind that she would be detected and yet with teh hissed out lyrics of the merle beast before her,she found that she was indeed right. Lobes drew to attention, and yet her voice never once was let out, her eyes tracing over the contours of the woman and taking to mind the fact that the woman's build was smaller than that of her own. The woman was mature,but no doubt had much knowledge in being so much older than herself.

But what knowledge would twist and mingle within the confines of the woman's skull, what sorts of interesting trinkets could she gain and gather from the woman. Wisdom and knowledge were things that the woman simply fed off of, always hungry for more information and learning of new experiences and delights. Even in the malicious tones of the woman spoke her experience in life, for she was used to tending to her own back and trusting few, an invisible barrier always held up. Her eyes took to the pelt of the woman, the muscles and the way in which she moved, but she found little to no flaw.

Beheret made no attempt to speak. No, there was no need for words currently. And never one to yell over a distance, she'd await until she'd closed the meters between them before she'd even attempt to utter a sound - if she cared to do so by such a time anyways. Still, the young female was in no hurry whatsoever, her gait but a languorous saunter in which her feminine hips swayed and pelt rolled and rippled over the fine muscle and tendons within her being, her emerald stare remaining ever fixated on the woman before her. Beheret felt neither threatened or out of ease, but relaxed and rather pleased in herself to have stumbled upon company - even if they were hissing tones of venom and distaste.


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