
A Message To The Unknown



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-07-2015, 10:22 PM
Sin Hellstrom

He couldn't help but laugh a bit at his daughters bold curiosity, she would grow to be a strong woman someday. Perhaps even a strong warrior or political meister. He nodded to Glacier as he thanked him, it was a small gift but it would do for now. He didn't want to waste much time, the man wanting to get back to check up on his other children and make sure they weren't getting into too much trouble and bothering his mate. Amber gaze met Glacier's, the ocean breeze rolling in to ruffle his coat some. As Glacier gave him the go ahead to continue, he would speak.

"I've come to attempt to Forge an alliance, altho I'm aware of some packs contempt for me and my kin due to my lineage, I only seek to protect my family." It was true for the most part, though he had taken the crown from a quiet pack to create a haven for his own family, it was something he brushed off. Packs rose and fell quite often, though he didn't know how long it would be until someone sought revenge for his part in felling a pack, he wanted to make sure there would be a safe place for his youngest to go in times of need.

He would be honest with Glacier, the man seemed capable, respectful. And those who he respected would not fall on his bad side without reason. "Should anything happen, I would like to know if your pack will be willing to take in my youngest for a time. There are six of them, including my daughter here. In return, I will gladly aid you in the future should Donostrea need it. I give my word on that."