
house arrest

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-13-2013, 01:52 PM


"Taking your frustration out on a fish I see?" She purred as she slithered toward him. Her body movement wasn't as graceful as it used to be due to her gained weight, but she still knew a thing or two about seduction. Her icy gaze bounced from the fish and back up to him. It was an enormous fish, she had never seen one that large before, not even in the depths of the ocean. It looked like it could weight just as much as Friction! She studied it for a moment, watching its side rise and fall as it took its very last breaths of life. Oh, what she wouldn't give to go on a hunt right now. She craved the taste of warm blood in her mouth, she wanted to feel tendons ripping between her jaws as she tore a doe apart. She was pretty hungry and parched, so this fish would have to do. She wasn't exactly sure if the prize was hers or not, but either way she would be getting a taste of it. She came closer to him, rubbing her head along his rib cadge as she did so. Her toungue brushed against his cheek a couple times before she pulled herself away a few inches. "May I have some? I can't really hunt for myself and all lately." It was an understatement really, because she couldn't do much of anything anymore, and she hated it. She had always been such an independent woman, and the fact that she couldn't do much for herself put an awful taste in her mouth. She dreaded the day when she was so old she would be in the same situation all over again. Luckily she was only a few days away from her due date, so this would all end soon. Then she would finally have the family she had wished for since she was a pup. Pools of vivid blue looked up to meet his as she waited for his answer. She was real hungry, so she hoped this fish really was for her. She could probably eat it all by herself!