
They Called It Chaos


10-08-2015, 01:58 PM

Berny minded not the flirty way the male responded. It was nice, almost refreshing to have someone so full of life respond to her that way. The compliment of the cross on her shoulder was nice as well, though she still wasn’t sure what to make of the marking that had been passed down through her father. Bernadette didn’t necessarily feel a sexual attraction to him either, but it never hurt to be able to enjoy the time of someone that you were with.

Beradette would remove herself from where she had crash landed, her own tail flicking back and forth slowly as she headed off in the direction that Háre suggested. This was turning out to be a rewarding trip, for company was never time wasted.

The next area they passed in was a chamber with a stream, beautiful as it was, Bernadette couldn’t help but sense a feel of loneliness. “Aye, I can see what you mean. The place has such a... Lifeless feel to it though. Even the water seems devoid of prey.” The female would muse.

“Could definitely make a good hideout though. How many would be bold enough to explore such a place?”