
You Better Be Good To Me


04-13-2013, 02:21 PM
The brute had heard the call of the beta as he was nearing the center of the lands. Only when the call had reached his white lined ears did he hurry up or keep a faster pace. Thane hoped he would not be late for this meeting; it would be unjust for him to do so. Aqua blue eyes averted to the sky as he walked. Cyril flew gliding calmly above him, a smile cracked at the brute's lips.

With a flick of his tail Thane began to run as fast as he could through the forest. The eagle above him gave a smirk as he then followed his master. Eventually the two ran or flew parallel to each other. The shadow of the bird covered Thane as if it were a dark cloak cast upon the wolf. The mighty and majestic bird had the Sun's rays hit his amber feathers as it flew. Golden eyes glinted with aqua as both focused on ahead.

"Careful you don't run into a tree Master Thane." the bird called down to his master.

"That was one time Cyril, and the ice was rather slippery. Was it not the first time my father Caligar showed me to the ice?"

The bird only gave a grunt before he spoke in reply.

"I suppose so....although I myself am a brilliant flyer and always have been."

Thane laughed as he heard the reply.

"You mustn't tell lies Cyril, they are not for the honest souls. But yet, what about when you flew into a tree, a branch, and one time a thorn bush. And who was there to care for you my dear friend?"

"You were Master Thane, it not for you should I even be alive this very day? And you even shed a tear as I lay in that bush covered in thorns, but why?"

"I was young and thought that my dear friend would not live. What would I have done if I would have to lose my best friend and companion? You are like a brother to me Cyril and I will have you as nothing less." he finished as he slowed to a complete walk.

Aqua blue eyes set upon the scene and the brute was surprised to see only two wolves. Aislyn and Ookami were the only ones here so far, besides himself and Cyril. The bird then settled on his master's shoulder once more. The brute made his way to Ookami and nuzzled her neck as he sat down beside her. So Thane sat patiently and attentively in wait for the others.