
Bones of our Ancestors

Sparrow I


7 Years
10-08-2015, 06:16 PM
Before her dad spoke, other approached. Starling stepped in and said he was ready. He already knew what was going on? Of course he did... He knew everything... Lark came up and bumped him, asking if he was ready. Lark knew too? Sparrow looked down and grit her teeth as she was easily lost in the words. War? They were going to war? Starling had already known and said nothing to her. Lark had already known, and he had kept quiet too. They hadn't told her to stock up her herbs or anything. How long had her brothers known? Allen had known too, so who else had her dad told? Was he singling her out, not wanting to tell her things because she wasn't as experienced as Starling or as everywhere as Lillie? Why had he told her brothers and not her? What was wrong with her? As her dad spoke of their injustices, Sparrow shook her head slightly. They didn't need a war. Why couldn't one just fight this Sin alone if all of this was his fault. Did they have pups too? Families? they would be no better than Sin to attack innocent families that had fallen in with a rotten leader...

Bass distributed jobs, saying Starling was in charge of the healers. that made sense, but Sparrow, feeling left out and hurt already, took it personally. Many other wolves stepped up to fight, surprising Sparrow. This whole time... They were all so ready to fight? Sparrow let out a sharp, wavering breath and turned. She needed a minute. She was about to announce that she would ger her herbs, but then Starling spoke up,

"I a-am confident I h-have e-enough, but an-anyone wh-who wishes to a-add to th-the stock is w-welcomed."

Sparrow stopped. Did he just know they were going to battle that he had enough herbs for battle? Sparrow had thought her pack peaceful, but now she wasn't sure. Quelt spoke up, voicing some questions:

"How do you know Sin is after the Destructions? What if he's just another man who sought out the closest pack to his convenience. I hate to disagree, but.... even Allen, he wouldn't just pack up and leave. He's a respectable man who thinks things thorough before charging in on them... As much as I WANT to stand beside you. As much as I WANT to support Abaven.... it almost seems like... you're throwing us into a war over your personal reasons. A grudge with Sin himself."

Sparrow stayed quiet, a tiny gasp slipping between her lips... She agreed with this man. Could her father be wrong? No! It was wrong to doubt her father! Sparrow's hear hammered in her chest, confusing clouding her mind. She didn't know what to say, but she didn't think he was totally wrong in his questions. He was being respectful and cautious. This was the type Sparrow felt Abaven was. Think, then act, though now they were all throwing themselves into battle... But this was about family. This was about Threar. They couldn't just stand aside, but... had Sin been wrong? She couldn't think like that! She knew she couldn't, only, she wondered too.

Immediately the mood changed. It seemed everyone thought Quelt was very wrong. Lillie snapped, hissing at Quelt. Sparrow stood, this time, coming over to put herself between the very (for whatever reason) suddenly angry Lillie and Quelt. A growl rumbled in her throat, "Maybe you knew it was in the plans, but not all of us did. Some of us are surprised and have questions and, you know, that's okay. I have questions too and my own father is leading us. That's why he called this meeting, right? To answer questions and to come to a confident position and now you're turning on a member because he has a few doubts at this plan? Do you remember Starling and Zell's little tiff? How we argued about being family? You don't snap at your family because they have questions and concerns, Lillie. Questions don't break our unity, but clarification makes it stronger. You lead hunts in this pack, you should know that."

The red woman had declared her thoughts about joining the fight and Sparrow shot a glance back to Quelt. Her dad stepped in and offered a scolding, though it was better explained than Lillianna's outburst of passion or whatever she thought it was. Quelt seemed to finally agree to fight, but Sparrow didn't feel done. She didn't feel resolved. She didn't want this fight to happen. Why did they all have to go instead of just one or two to deal with the problem wolf called Sin, "Father, why must we go to war against all of them? You sent Lillianna, but do they have families? What will become of them- the ones who may be innocent, but fell in the wrong place? I am not here to challenge, but I am also very scared and unsure. This is the first I'm hearing about this and I understand why we are angry and what it means to stick together, but I don't understand why we must siege them instead of taking down a cruel leader." her voice was shaking slightly, but she held her position. She looked at Lillie with sharp eyes, telling her this question was not directed at her this time. If she had so much faith in Bass, she should let him explain his thoughts rather than jumping at the throat of the first person who had a question, "Of course I will be standing by Abaven, even if I have questions... Healing... I don't fight anyway, but I think the fighters should prepare themselves too. With the healers, we can set up the camp and wait, but if the fighters try too hard and spread themselves too thin before the battle-" Sparrow looked to the high-strung Lillianna, "-it will affect their fighting. They should focus on getting plenty of water and stretching and resting up a bit. During that time, the healers can set up the healing center."

Sparrow finished with a flick of her tail, her eyes dashing back to her father. She didn't mean to cause a scene, but how could she and Sparrow get scolded for getting onto Zell after insulting Lillianna, but Lillianna didn't get scolded when she chewed out Quelt who simply had doubts about a life-changing event. Sparrow really wasn't sure what had made her pack so different suddenly. Maybe Lillianna had always been this way and Sparrow simply hadn't known. This was a high-energy time and she bet everyone was just on edge... She knew she was.