
Bones of our Ancestors



5 Years
10-08-2015, 06:35 PM
Naturally, when most of the Abaven wolves gathered together, there tended to be drama. He tilted his head towards Quelt, reguarding him with bright blue eyes as he waited for him to finish. They would all speak up, his father trying to explain his situation while fighting through his hurt honor. Starling understood it well, he knew the sadness his father had had when Allen had left, and knew how much he cherished loyalty. So when Quelt brought up his reservations, Starling knew there would be something to come for this. He both expected and didn't expect for Lillie to speak up, and he turned his eyes to her, lips drawing in a thin line. "Lillie." He said with a deep voice, hoping to curb her drama. "L-learn your place." He said slowly. When he had spoken up against Zell, it was at a hunt, this was an official meeting with Bass leading it. It was Bass's call to speak up against Quelt, not hers. He just stared before sighing as Sparrow's own voice rang up, and he would quickly turn his eyes to her again. "Y-you both c-call yourself d-diplomats.." He said slowly, watching his sister. He was very disappointed. "Wh-when I was in S-sonticus, Sin was a m-member, and A-arian had w-warned me, u-up an-and d-down to w-watch th-this m-man. She s-said he c-could b-be the d-death of h-her, that sh-she was t-terrified o-of him." He said loud enough for them all to hear then, even though Bass had already said it. But he just sighed and turned back to Sparrow as she said the fighters should rest, and the healers would transport the stock. "I w-will t-take all th-the help I can, Sparrow. If w-we all w-work t-together, I-it will o-only t-take on tr-trip each. We m-must be s-sure o-our c-camp is s-set up. I-if there are i-injured, we m-may have to st-stay over n-night u-untill we c-can move them" He said then, looking up at his father and hoping he wasn't stepping on toes. He didn't want to ruin his chance. He'd look to Lillie and Raba then, a smile on his lips. "I a-appreciate your h-help." He said softly, smiling pointedly at Raba for her lack of drama. She understood what mercenary meant. He'd look at Shaye then and smile softly. "C-come b-by my d-den afterw-wards. Y-you can s-see what I h-have and w-what I need..."

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"