
Bones of our Ancestors


10-08-2015, 10:44 PM

The young man would listen to his father, listen to his packmates. He would breathe in, speaking up with his own opinions on the matter. “Father, I would like to believe that what Aunt Harmony is saying is the same sort of feelings Allen shared. I do not think that he would outright call you a fool, but rushing into battle, without first knowing the enemy, well, that’s extra danger in and of itself right there.” The boy felt the need to defend the calico man, since Quelt had tried and failed. He would breathe in.

“While I agree you could have some valid points, that the man is dangerous in some respects, it does not necessarily mean he is a threat to us. Yes he took Threar, yes we have a right to be angry about that, yes we should do something to punish him, but perhaps we should not act so rashly.” Shrike was being thoughtful.

“I stand with you, father, in going to war, but I feel that more needs to be known about this pack before we do anything. I vote on waiting and sending a spy to the pack to get inside information on them. More than just their numbers -- get their motives. It is only then that I think we should strike. But regardless of your decision of when, father, you can count me as part of the frontlines.” He would breathe in, noticing Star leave. He’d frown, dipping his head towards Bass.

“Forgive me father but I need to step out of this meeting.” ...and turning tail, his piece said, Shrike would make to leave.

--Exit Shrike.--


Table by:: Eldarwen