
Bones of our Ancestors



7 Years

10-08-2015, 11:57 PM

Perhaps he had spoken too soon on his pride.

The more voices that rose to join him, the more rose to question him. His hackles stood on end, he had not thought that his pack would distrust him too much. They were supposed to be a pack of mercenaries, of sell swords waiting and ready to go to war at any point. His golden eyes would fall on Zell as he cleared his throat but did not speak, a single brow raising. "Zell? I will not force you to come, if you wish you can stay behind and help the rest with the young ones. After all, we will need able fighters to stand at the ready when this is all happening." His eyes then moved to Feli, he knew that the man would be disappointed in not being able to defend his home and pack, but he was needed back in Abaven. He was happy that he understood, at least some of his wolves got it.

And then all hell broke loose.

Bass stood frozen as the joint words of Sparrow, Harmony, and Shrike reached him. His own family, that he had thought would not question him, where doing just that. But that is what the meeting was about, right? He just needed to control his growing rage, this all seemed so out of character for them. His gaze would shift between all of them, and as he watched Starling leave and then Shrike go after him. He let out a huff of irritation, why state his words and then leave without getting an answer? It seemed like a cowards way out, to speak out and then leave. He didn't even know if Shrike would be there, and now he was gone. Blowing out a deep breath, he then addressed his pack. "I called you here to hear your opinion, but I cannot lie and say that this didn't surprise me. Abaven is supposed to be a pack of mercenaries, we are supposed to be ready to go to war at any moment, to be an aid to those who are fighting for something they believe in. Now, I also never asked you to follow me blindly, you are allowed to speak your peace. However, I am very much hurt and offended that you would say that I am leading you all to a simple death. From what I have collected at Sin he is the type of man that will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. It would be more dangerous to send in a spy, one wolf getting caught by a whole pack would be devastating. And Sparrow, we will not cast any harm to young ones or the innocent. If they do not fight us, we will not hunt them down and fight them. With your logic, I can ask you the same, if our family deserved to be torn apart and left without a home all because of what one man wanted. At that point Threar was not able to defend itself, but we can." He said, sitting down with a large thud. He moved his gaze to Harmony, dipping his head at her. "I do agree with you though, I will talk to Valentine and ask if we can combine our forces here if anything happens. That way there will be more to defend it. Like I said, I will not ask everyone to come, I will not force your paws to do something you do not wish to do. I have enough warriors to follow me that we can go to Sin's pack, and even see if they answer. We don't even know if it will come to a war. But when Abaven walks away victorious, we will be able to add to our lands, to expand our pack and take back one of our family lands. We can add more wolves to Abaven, and have more room for the rest of Threar's fallen members to join." He closed his eyes, taking a shaky breath. "I had expected more to be at my side, but perhaps I was foolish in all of this." He said with a shaky breath, finding it hard to keep himself in an upright position. "There is fear surrounding this man, and its not like we will hurt those that don't fight. I have a feeling that even if we win, he will rise again." Bass shuffled, his head still cast low. Fighting to take a deep breath, he finally raised his head and looked at those wolves still left. "I have decided that the siege will still go on. If you disagree with my reasoning, but wish to stay and help Feli and Dart, you may do so. If you disagree to the point where you want to leave Abaven, then please come and speak to me. Perhaps you misjudged me, or my pack. Abaven is supposed to be a pack of mercenaries, and I see a lot of that spirit here. But a lot of doubt, and fear. While fear is reasonable in the face of war, you need not be afraid of being forced to fight. I want to make that very, very clear. I am not a cruel man." Breaking off, he shook his head and just waited. He would call Imperium in a moment, first he needed to get his members under control.

Art by Evelyn