
Bones of our Ancestors



4 Years
Extra large
10-09-2015, 06:45 AM

To be perfectly honest Karabela was thinking about mutton. Ok, well technically mountain goat. At some point the arguing continued and while valid points would be made it seemed no one would shut up. They'd just keep going. The point was share opinions not convince the whole of the pack to agree. Who wanted the whole pack to agree anyway? What were they sheep? And then her mind was back on mutton. She was going hunting for mountain goat at some point after the siege, of course she didn't think there was anywhere around Abaven where they lived she'd have to travel quite a ways.

Karabela rolled her eyes at the bickering intensified. Yup, like a family alright. Argued like one too. Starling's feelings were hurt and he left and so did Lillie and some other wolves she didn't know and honesty Karabela was ready to get up and go as well but the word of Imperium caught her attention and held her fast. A sudden jolt of nervousness raced through her at the thought of fighting alongside her own pack. She'd simply disappeared the night of her mother's death. No words, no statement where she was going, if she'd be back. At some point the grief swallowed her up into the night and her logic failed her but the fact remained that she had not asked permission to leave and there was no doubt in her mind that fact would be looked on with favor.

She also stayed just in case the warriors would be addressed and she fidgeted from paw to paw, irritated by all the speeches. She agreed with Bass about the fact they were mercenaries who shouldn't be so shy about war. Hell if they wouldn't go to war over a slight against the family what made them think they'd go to war against a war as hired blades against a pack that had absolutely nothing to do with them? And perhaps that was where the confusion lied. If Threar was any indication these Destructions seemed to be generally peaceful, private wolves ill suited for the mercenary life and thus there was conflict. They'd come to Abaven because they were family without a full understanding of what it meant to be a mercenary. Or perhaps it was the other way around? More wolves holding to the idea of family and only the alpha and a select few that wanted to see Abaven excel in the arts of war. Either way, in asking for honest opinions why get offended when some of them disagreed? That should have been expected.

Either way though the facts remained for her. "I'm still here. Standing. I won't lie to you I haven't been here long enough to form the strong bonds you all seem to share. My reasons for wanting to fight are mostly personal and I don't feel like sharing them. However, apart from being a pack of mercenaries that will likely be called to war against wolves they literally have no direct connection too, if that is indeed what this pack is," Did they all assume that they'd be commissioned on the side of righteousness and not evil? "with all these Threar wolves moving in we're short on resources. It's either expand or starting kicking wolves out and banning children. May as well take that land from the bastard that left these Threar wolves homeless in the first place." There, look at her participating! Could they get to the good part yet? She wanted to know if there was a battle strategy!

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king