
Bones of our Ancestors



7 Years
Extra large

10-09-2015, 10:46 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2015, 10:50 AM by Lark.)
Lark had been one of the few to know about the siege before Bass had called them together. His gaze danced around, watching the expectant glances they gaze his father, feeling a slight nervousness flutter through the crowd at the solemn aura of the meeting. All he knew was that he was ready to fight for his family, to seek revenge on the wolves that had taken Abaven. He had been born for this moment, as far as he was concerned. Tinaro arrived, eagerly announcing his arrival in his normal fashion, while some of the others took a bit longer to arrive - he shifted his gaze to watch his aunt Harmony arrive, then Quelt, and a few others that included Shrike. He'd flash a smile at his brother, knowing he could use this opportunity to contribute more. Hopefully it would make him feel less uncertain about his place here.

When Bass began to speak, he would shift his attention fully to him, taking in his words greedily. His father had always been his hero, and he would not question his decision nor his words. His word was law, in his mind. A slight smile tugged at his lips, despite the serious tone of the gathering, and he felt his chest swell with pride. He knew most of what Bass had said already, but his ears would perk and his eyes widened attentively as he stood a bit taller. Bass assigned roles to some of the wolves, though many would be fighting - himself included.  He opened discussion as well, to see if Abaven disagreed, though many were quick to pipe up and say they would fight.

"I will fight," he spoke up loudly, firmly - though this was a decision Bass had made, he had weighed in on it as well and even if he had disagreed, he knew his father was both wiser and more level-headed than himself. If this was what they had to do, they would do it. Another surge of pride - for family, for Abaven - washed through him, but the moment of exhilaration was short-lived as someone spoke up in disapproval.

Quelt spoke then saying he wished he fully backed him. But.. how could he not? His head snapped, turning to him, his brows furrowing in confusion and frustration. He spoke more, saying this seemed like a personal grudge. That was fucking stupid to say! Lark felt his lips twitch as a snarl threatened to erupt, but he knew he would be punished for snapping at such a vital moment. The fear of disappoint his father was far greater than his explosive temper, and he bit his tongue - quite literally - forcing himself to stay silent.

Before he could even think of anything to say, wondering if he could contribute anything other than demeaning Quelt for publicly claiming his father wanted to go to war because of a grudge, all hell broke loose. Lillianna was quick to snap at Quelt, a fact that wasn't at all surprising to him.  But it was surprising that Sparrow spoke up too, and a frown touched his lips. Starling was quick to explain the depth of this man Sin's influence... and how much trouble he could mean for them. He knew his brother was not always  the best at communicating, but he said what he needed. "Sono fiero di te",  Lark would whisper as he leaned into Starling before he moved to the task at hand.

The drama seemed to just keep coming.. and coming.. and more spoke even after his father did. His rage grew, building in his chest and in his emerald glare as he stared at those who spoke, his jaws clamped firmly shut. Why did they all keep speaking, and reiterating the same points over.. and over.. and over? If this father wasn't here, if he didn't have the looming knowledge that Bass would surely be talking to those that had spoken out of turn or out of anger, he would've snapped. His gaze would dart to the side, before falling on Bass again.

"Stanno essendo stupidi," he would say quietly as he drew closer to his father. He had been practicing his Italian, since Finch had brought up that he didn't speak it much, and he felt it sounded far better than it did just a few weeks ago. His anger only grew as he stood here and listened to the pointless conversation. They were going to war, whether they liked it or not, because it was what had to be done. "Sono permesso di lasciare? Mi piacerebbe praticare le mie difese con Calypsei." Lark had no idea if she was interested, but he couldn't sit and listen to these idiots talk about his father being selfish and leading them to death. His head would snap upwards as he glanced in her direction, offering her a silent gesture with his muzzle, hoping she might want to leave with him, if Bass allowed them to.