
I can't keep track of them all



5 Years
10-09-2015, 03:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Callisto was on the verge of leaving. She wanted to, very much, even though a nagging part of her wanted to watch this red-eyed wolf like a hawk, fearful that Renhett would do something to upset the plant-life because of sheer ignorance. Stupidity could be avoided if only she would stay and keep an eye over this stranger's wanderings, but the conversation and company did not suit the black and grey healer one bit. She felt unsettled and uneasy, like she was not safe here despite the smiles and flippancy of every statement made, as if there was more to it, some subtle, underlying threat that only she could detect. Was she reading too much into it, or had her safety here in the Gulley been compromised?

The short-tempered answer she gave Renhett seemed to do the trick in getting the over-the-top friendliness to tone down, and much of the bubbliness of the stranger disappeared. Good, Callisto thought. Making friends was not on her list of things to do this day, nor did she have any inclination to add it. She just wanted to be left alone. She just wanted to feel safe.

Before she could fully relax knowing the stranger intended to take her leave, the antisocial healer was approached more closely. She leaned away from the intrusion, her frowning expression distrustful as she tensed in place. Quietly, she was given one final parting thought, a wish that she not lose who she was. The statements puzzled Callisto more than she let on, though she refused to ponder them too closely. What did this wolf know? She was a stranger, a naive and ignorant stranger. Though maybe not completely. The words she chose, "destroy" and "claim," immediately sent up more red flags, immediately made her more suspicious and agitated. Did this wolf know more about her than she was letting on, more that these suggestions were discreetly hinting at? It was like she knew just what to say to trigger thoughts and worries and fears in the wolf while still maintaining her air of ignorance.

Callisto's silver-blue eyes bore into Renhett as she walked away, feeling her heart beat speed in her chest and her anxiety flare up. That did not go well. She still could not decide whether this unanticipated stranger had merely been speaking generally or if she was heralding some bad fortune that was soon going to befall her inside of this new territory she had mistaken as a haven. Her eyes searched around her through the thick vegetation, frantically trying to spot any hidden figures that might have been watching the exchange while her nose worked quickly to scent the air. Nothing out of the ordinary; just her scent, Renhett's, and those of the plants they had been inspecting. She shuddered once, fighting it as best she could, before she turned and darted off toward the deeper sections of the Gulley, intent on losing the shadowy thoughts that haunted her mind.

-Exit Callisto-