
Bones of our Ancestors



7 Years

10-09-2015, 08:13 PM

The voices that rose then were ones of unity and agreement, of wolves defending him and standing at his side. Soon enough his flanks were warmed by his fighters as they all stood beside him and defended him with there words. No, he had not been prideful of his pack too soon. Everyone was just being a jumbled mess. Feeling his strength return he stood, eyes first landing on Feli with a grateful nod of his head. He hadn't been in the pack long, but it wasn't hard to see that this man stood for family and that alone. Motif said her piece, and Darts words to Lillie made his eyes narrow slightly. He was going to have to talk to the whole pack once this was over, and there would be more words then to be said. But now he needed to focus on the plan, to get Imperium here and be on their way. He nodded to the fox, he would not stop a member from coming if they wished. He would be thankful to have his old friend at his side, to fight with him again. Bass couldn't help but smile at Karabela, there was no doubt that she was a warrior through and through. Lark came up next, commenting that they were all being stupid. He chuckled at the boy, and it pleased him to hear that he was using Italian more. His accents were more on point, strong, just like him. "Io respingere i combattenti in un attimo, figlio." He said softly, turning to cast his smiling face on both Tinaro and Calypsie. Through all the flaws of his pack, he was glad that it was so easy to see the amazing strength as well.

"Now that everyone has spoken, it is time to get prepared. Those who are staying behind, please go and begin to gather up the pups and take them deep into the territory. Come to me once the pups have been stashed away, and I will send any more to you after speaking with Valentine. Healers may go to Starling and help him start to transfer herbs. Fighters may go and limber up, work on your defenses and anything else with your spar partners. Loosen up, but don't tire yourselves out. Those who still wish to speak to me are still able to, and those who wish to wait here for Imperium can do so as well. The wolves who come are to be shown respect, I will not tolerate any fighting with the pack who seeks to aid us. Show them were they can limber up as well as where the water is." Bass dipped his head to everyone, allowing those who wished to go and prepare to leave. Stretching his neck upwards he let out a summons for Valentine and Imperium, allowing them across his borders and to the meeting place.


Art by Evelyn