
The Stick


10-09-2015, 09:25 PM
Father’s praise made Juniper beam, grinning so large she could have sworn lips reached ears. Just a pup, the girl knew what she was talking about and caught on quickly, gathering information and using it to her advantage. But as her father fell in step behind her, the girl quickly swung around and began walking backwards with the same grin still there. Tail wagged, the tip brushing along her hips as her awkward steps swung her body like a fish. Ears perked up nice and tall, facing her father as he spoke. He wasn’t sure what caused the water to disappear exactly, but he believed that beavers created a damn somewhere which could block off water from its source. The girl’s face slowly began to light up at this new knowledge, nodding slowly as she soaked it up like a sponge. ”That is amazing! But bad!” Those naughty beavers, whatever they were!

With a lick and challenge, Juniper nodded her skull quickly. Body whipped back around but stopped, crouching low to the ground with tail swinging in the air as she prepared for the race. ”You’re on daddy! I’m so going to win!” Wit that she quickly grew silent, smirking while her lips moved to silent words. ”READYSETGO!” Too fast to space the words out and give her father a chance to react, the girl was off. Paws drummed against the frozen ground as the girl charged forward as fast as her little legs could possibly go, tail streaming behind her body and ears pinned against her head. She was determined to win! No holding back!