
Bones of our Ancestors



4 Years
Extra large
10-10-2015, 06:30 AM

Oh boy and there they were.  Karabela felt the sharp sting of nervsousness as she watched the Imperium members file in, half wondering if any of them would recognize her or give her a second glance.  Part of her wanted them to forget, to not bring any attention to it but the other part almost wanted the acknowledgement.  Eyes drew immediately not to the alpha or to any of the other yearlings she'd known as a pup but right to the man she knew as Hati.  The man was not wearing a ram skull as she remembered but a…. a bear skull?  

Raba couldn't pinpoint what she was feeling in the wave of emotions that roiled through her gut at the sight, the memories, the anger and the pride at seeing the bears skull, the bear her mother and brother had felled in her defense, being worn in the open air like the trophy it was.  Of any wolf she knew it was Hati that had the right to wear that skull.  Even though she did not understand the depths of what her mother felt towards the other male she knew that he was important to Dægmar and Raba imagined her mother was smiling wherever she was and urging them on to battle.  The blossoming heat of joy started burning in her chest with the excitement and the adrenaline.  She was so ready for this!

"Raba?"  Shit.  Karabela turned to gaze at Integra as she smiled awkwardly at the other girl who seemed a lot more… tame and submissive than she remembered.  What was up with that?  Would've been nice if she'd kept her mouth shut.  "Oh, hey Integra.  Long time no see!  Hello to everyone else of course.  You're all looking fit and ready to maul some morons.  We can catch up later though, 'kay babe?"  Karabela offered a playful wink at the other girl who only stared back at her dumbfounded.  Thankfully though Bass would address Valentine and the meeting would get back on track.  Shit, she hadn't told Bass she was originally from Imperium had she?  Having been wandering a loner for so long there hadn't been any traces of her former pack on her pelt.  Please, please just let them get through this meeting without any more arguments or outbursts.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king