
Slaying The Demons



4 Years
10-10-2015, 03:45 PM

With a Capital T

It was much to her displeasure with his movements, however she would make sure that he didn’t topple her over. Arian refused, her body refused to be pushed over like she was nothing. Her ears staying pinned to the back of her head, the male would put them straight back to face each other. As soon as her jaws left his torn ear her front paws attempted to slip underneath him. Attempting to take a step back in the sliding, her head would slip across his chest to underneath him. Her eyes narrowed, forelimbs touching the ground and leaning to her right harshly. Sin’s forelimbs missed her shoulders landing on either side of her body and his teeth grabbed hold of the middle of her back. Yelping she felt an inch deep wound strike her, hackles still raised her scruff pulled forward to protect her vitals. Tail upwards to help with her play bow approach she had taken.

While she didn’t have enough strength to raise herself with him above her. The woman’s head tilted to her right, jaws snapping at his underbelly just below the ribcage. Meanwhile she leaned off to the right using her left front leg to try and hook around his right left back leg. She wanted to try and dis-balance him and make him topple to his right. Her weight leaned to make sure her left back leg didn’t give way. Her abdomen muscles tightened, back toes splaying into the terrain with the nails digging into the dirt for traction. Every muscle was working the hell out of her but her anger made her continue.

2/3 vs Sin (For maim, tearing of his left ear)

ooc: ohohohoho! xD sorry this is fun.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.