
Dinner For Ten? [Inner Circle Hunt]



7 Years
10-10-2015, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2015, 06:49 PM by Surreal.)
[This hunt thread is mandatory to those listed, though as said in the subtitle, the rest of the inner family can join (i.e. Kavdaya, Baine, Newol, Falk.) and those who are possible followers or have been staying with Surreal and her family: Creed, and Obito for instance. First round ends: 10/15/15. Any wishing to help out have until then to get their tails in here :P This is practice for the real thing! Thank you <3]

Surreal Adravendi

It was time. The sea creatures had gotten so used to her presence that they now lounged on the shore, and she could pass within a few yards. Close enough for a fast lunge. With war looming just over the horizon, food would be a much needed commodity. She had already called for the others, and now waited patiently within the trees, watching the lumpy, sleek furred forms snoozing on the beach. Such strange looking beasts. But she could smell them, now that they were out of the water. They smelled.. rich, and fatty; something that would do well for the family with winter on its way, even if they still had an entire season to go before the coldest of seasons truly set in.

She’d chosen Regulus, Zuriel, and Tornach for this hunt in particular, though the rest could join in if they wished. With how ungainly these beasts were on land, she didn’t think the hunt would be unsuccessful, but it was good to have extra paws on board to ensure the hunt went off without a hitch. There were two on the beach now, snoozing contentedly. Surreal scanned the distance between the animals and the sea, making a mental plan in her head. Someone would need to get between the beasts and the sea to cut off the escape route. If they could get both, that would be good. They could cache the excess meat for later, especially with the possibility of Abaven perhaps using this land as a wounded camp. Warriors needed food.

Of course, she was unaware that in a short amount of time, Abaven's healers would indeed be in the Estuary, setting up that very wounded camp. Little did she know that right this moment, Bass was holding the meeting that was the start to a siege. Either way, this food was to be a boon to her family at the very least.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think