
Better Then Drugs



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-11-2015, 12:38 AM

He pondered a moment about her question. He didn't really know anyone that might help, but he was sure he could find someone and get them to at least teach him or tell him what to do if they didn't want to actually come and do it. Although for that, he would have to take Takira outside the territory so his father didn't come attacking whoever tried to help. It was a dilemma really, but he wouldn't stop until he finished his task of making sure she got better so she could get up and raise some hell. He was sure that she was capable.

"I don't know anyone personally...but I can find someone and persuade them to help. I wish I knew how to properly do it, but if I mess up and your leg doesn't set right, I've no doubt you'll hate me for the rest of your life due to my lack of knowledge." He wasn't sure if he was actually...worried about the thought. Part of him felt like he would be, the other part questioned why he cared to begin with. Nothing was making sense right now, and he hated that fact. It irritated him to no end that he couldn't even begin to describe what he was feeling...perhaps someone someday might be able to shed some light on that. "I'll go when you decide to sleep. You could use the rest, allow your body to heal. And I will come retrieve you if I find anyone. I'll have to take you off pack lands to do it, the pack would surely flip if I brought an outsider I'm regardless of the reason."

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