
bring fire to the world (ABAVEN PACK HUNT)


10-11-2015, 11:01 AM

The young man would look to Lillie as she went about rearranging the groups. With wolves leaving left and right it was making the hunting party into a much sadder one. Allen left. Bass left. Zell left. Even Star left. He would give a soft sigh, making a mental note to talk to Star later and check on him. For now Shrike knew that his main priority was finishing this hunt so that the pack could all eat together. If they didn’t, well, it would take a lot of solo hunting to make up for the loss.

Breathing in, he’d move beside Quelt. He didn’t know the man that well, but he knew that Limno was his mate. He’d glance towards Lillie, giving a small nod. He was prepared for this, and it seemed so was everyone else who had remained behind. As Sparrow said, for whomever didn’t participate they could always bring food to later on. Digging his claws into the soil Shrike would wait for the group to move out and locate the prey, so that they all might be able to get a good meal.


Table by:: Eldarwen