
do it I dare you



7 Years
10-11-2015, 02:34 PM

She leaned back far from his feint, yet still managed to react quickly enough despite the setback to move her left forefoot away from his mouth. The paw went for his face, and he had just enough time to squint his right eye shut before she smacked it. ”Ow!” he yapped indignantly, his head being thrust back some and the area around his eye socket aching. He’d have a bit of bruising later, but it wasn’t like she’d busted his eye completely or anything. He had shifted his weight to accommodate for being smacked in the face, quickly regaining balance and trying to remain precisely where he was. His left forepaw paw, lucky enough, had connected with her right foot as intended, and he would give one last attempt at twisting his foot and crushing delicate toes.
His opponent lurched forward with a snarl and, with all the quickness and gracelessness of a scared rabbit, he himself lurched to his right. The girl’s right foreclaws clipped the front his left ankle but gained no purchase and injured him no more than the momentary pain the swipe inflicted. However, no amount of speed or swiftness could transcend such close proximities, and he soon found himself on his stomach on the ground with a grunt. His frantic skitter to the side had managed to prevent him from being pinned though – her chest had caught him on his left side just around and above his shoulder, and had knocked him down with her descent. The air was forced from his lungs, pain blossoming in his chest as he was momentarily disoriented. His fall to the ground was short though, and so he had sustained no contusions. Her fangs bit into his skin on his ribs behind his left shoulder, leaving moderate punctures. In an instant he was scrambling back up again, hoping that she too had gone all the way down, having not so precisely hit her target. He bared his teeth and lunged forward, attempting to jam his bony left shoulder into the left side of her chest (hoping mostly to cause pain and jostle her) while he would attempt to violently clamp his teeth down upon the soft crook of her left elbow, hoping for an unrelenting grip. His right forepaw would attempt to smash claws upon her left forefoot now. His overall aim was to, over the course of this little battle, sufficiently damage both front legs so as to hinder her movement. No escape! And no more smacking him in the face. That hurt.

Defenses remained intact, his mangled ears folded, his eyes narrowed, and his hackles lifted. His shoulders were squared and rolled forward to scrunch his neck, his legs evenly spread and bent for balance. His tail was flung out behind him, hanging slightly so as to protect himself and aid in balancing. His chin was tucked down and head lowered, and with his shorter height and low attack, his throat was rather inaccessible.

Cesar vs. Evangeline for Spar
Move 2/3

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.