


04-13-2013, 06:38 PM

LAST YEARS WISHES ARE THIS YEAR'S APOLOGIES But still, the girl chose not to utter a word. The sound of her footsteps was clear in the silent night, unhidden by the birds that had now gone. The murky gloom would conceal them together, enveloping them in a microcosm of their own creation. Steps became ever clearer as the girl made her approach. It was not attack that she was on, that much was obvious. If she knew what she wanted, the girl might have uttered something. No, she was here because she had nothing else to do this evening. Kalypso thrust her grievous wounds from mind. The lacerations were stowed deep in the chasms of her breast. The thoughts that were forefront were dashed like shadows from a torch.

The maiden of war turned without noise. Silver moonlight flashed across her fur like dragon scales. Flames promised destruction deep in her eyes. They flashed with ill-concealed fury, an all-consuming rage that only lessened, but was never extinguished. This was an agent of chaos that the girl had come across in the depths of the forest. She had come across a woman of fury and violence. Her appetite was one for mayhem, and never was it quenched.

Kalypso watched the girl that stood before her ? stepping through the shadows of the forest as if it was the trees she was trying to seduce. Teeth glittered in the silver light as the woman watched the show that strode before her. Whether the curl of lips was through sincerity, it was unclear. You?d be more effective at sneaking if you didn?t spend your efforts trying to break a hip. Kalypso strode forward on long legs, her head raised and features level, but domineering. Now are you going to tell me why you?re here, or should I just cut out the awkwardness and ask you on a date?

table by boo