
Self Destruct Personality

Mercy I


5 Years

10-12-2015, 05:36 PM

ooc;// We figured out that with Calypso's exit, she jumped to the wrong side, making Cascade follow her movements by accident. All of Cascade's directions should be the opposite of what is stated, leaving Mercy free to attack Amachi's left side.

A flash of movement alerted Mercy to the movement of the striped woman, and as her paw slammed back down on the earth after Calypso dodged out of her way she adjusted her weight to all four paws. Amachi was a lot taller than Mercy, and so when she attempted to slam her shoulder into her right side, it missed completely. However the fronts of Amachi's knees bumped against her, the taller woman's left front knee hitting behind her right shoulder directly behind the curve, and her right front knee just barely grazing the underside of her chin. Only a minor bruise formed where Amachi's knee hit behind her right shoulder, and did not slow her down at all. Mercy lowered her head slightly, dodging Amachi's attempt to smack her head into her cheek. That is when Calypso backed out of the fight, and Mercy took several steps back as her jaws snapped in thin air, hopefully until her body was out of the way of Amachi's front. What a coward! She snarled, but didn't have much time to think. Amachi pushed forward, but because of Mercy's backward movement she was not shoved at all. Once more Mercy's jaws parted, her head moving towards her own right. Mercy then attempted to sink her jaws into the taller woman's left rib cage, Mercy's lower jaws aimed for the underside of her left rib cage, an inch behind her left shoulder. Upper jaws were aimed three inches from her lower jaws. The pale woman tried to bite down as hard as possible, trying to aim her teeth for the sensitive muscles that lay between each rib bone, and also tried to achieve a hold. At the same time Mercy shifted her weight to her own right, lifting her front left leg and attempting to slam it down on Amachi's front left paw. She hoped to break the innermost toes with her slam, hopefully causing enough damage to put the dire wolf off balance.

The whole time Mercy's defenses stayed set, her ears still against her head, lips pulled back in a snarl, with her eyes narrowed. Her weight was shifted to her right as she stood on three grounded legs, toes spreading as her claws bit into the earth. Tail stayed aligned with her spine, her neck trying to maintain the best straight line as possible. Shoulders were rolled forward, her chin tucking as close to her chest as possible.

Round 2 of 2


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.