
Slaying The Demons



4 Years
10-12-2015, 07:26 PM


As Sin moved, Arian would be quick to follow. Even if her teeth had only grazed his chest, a deep growl started in her throat. Remember her training she reminded herself, otherwise it would have been useless the time she spent with her uncle. Her pupils dilated slightly. She quickly would place her back right leg crossing in front her left back leg, in this movement she shifted her body to her left. Her left paw that failed to inflict severe damage slamming onto the ground to lift herself up aiming to place them right in front of each other in a straight line. Her eyes widened for a moment, narrowing then again as his right forepaw slammed right in front of her. Missing her snout by a mere inch as she used her right forepaw to raise her back on her feet. Her left limp leg shivered as she redistributed her weight on her three legs. Unable to dodge his teeth however, they struck the right side of her body due to her position. Just behind the right shoulder blade the teeth would sink an inch deep into the flesh his upper jaw into her back and the lower near the bone itself. The severity harsh as she felt her right shoulder tense to avoid it getting to the bone. Her abdomen muscles tightening she would open her jaws and tilt her head to the left. Aiming to strike towards the left side of his neck, her lower jaw would seek just near his throat the upper jaw behind the jaw. Hoping to mildly choke him.

The woman’s toes spread across the terrain, her scruff still pulled forward and ears pinned to the back of her head. Her tail leveling with his spine, her hackles raised. She made sure her lips were lifted back when she bit so her teeth were exposed. As Sin pressed into her, she would push both her front paws forward in an attempt to stay in a straight line. Her eyes kept narrowed and her abdomen tightened. Concentrate, it was her life at stake.

3/3 vs Sin (For maim, tearing of his left ear)

ooc: This was a fun fight!

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.