
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-13-2015, 01:12 PM

Suddenly everything happened. Esti was good with waiting for the right opponent, but as soon as someone appeared, Ashmedai shot off, "Ash get bac-" well, whatever. Wasn't that that brute who wanted one of her teeth that one time? Yeah, that went well. Esti decided it was better to stop thinking of fighting and to actually fight.

The titan woman adopted a fighting stance, starting with with tucking her ears, narrowing her eyes, curling her lips, and scrunching her face to deflect any injury from her face. Widening her stance, Esti distributed her weight evenly between all four legs, bending her knees slightly for agility and digging her toes into the ground for traction. Her shoulders rolled her scruff forward as Esti tucked her chin to protect her neck. Her hackles raised along the line of her back as she brought her tail even with her spine for balance. She was ready for Hell.

Apparently Hell was a shiny, loud, white lion off to her right. As soon as he came into view, Esti knew, "Oh. Hell. Yes." To sweeten this deal, he was headed right for her... from her right.

Esti waited for a moment for the lion to draw near before she kicked off with her back feet, leaping forward and pivoting her rear 90 degrees to her left to pivot out of the way of the white lion's attacks. His left paw would slam down behind her back right leg, his jaws snapping shut inches from the base of her tail. Hyder's right forepaw would graze Esti's right hip as she moved, causing one inch long, moderate lacerations on the skin right above her hip bone. Esti winced at the fresh cuts, finishing her pivot, now on Hyder's right facing his rear. Perfect. Esti redistributed her weight from her pivot and immediately went to attack.

The large woman kicked off smoothly from her pivot, attempting to dive towards Hyder's rear. Simultaneously, she aimed to jut the sharp, front part of her right shoulder in between the right side of the lion's hip joint and his right back leg, hoping her momentum and smaller size would allow her to jam her shoulder deep enough to dislocate the joint. She lifted her left foreleg, redistributing her weight to her other legs, aiming to scrape her claws down Hyder's back right leg from his knee to his ankle and stomp on his paw with all the weight she could muster. She knew she was too tiny to pin it, but she hoped for some bruising. To end her assault, Esti opened her jaws wide, tilting her head to her left, aiming to reach around and bite the base of Hyder's tail. Her lower jaw sought under his tail- no matter how close to his butt it was- while her upper jaw aimed to bite the top of the base of his tail with the goal of clamping her jaws together in order to crush the tail's upper vertebrae and sever the tail, hopefully rendering the tail useless and throwing off the lion's balance. Maybe she would leave this fight with a prize.


Esti vs. Hyder Round 1/2
For removal of the whole kitty tail (maim)