
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}



4 Years
Extra large
10-13-2015, 07:17 PM

When the mottled man, Liar, fell away and Hati was again in a one on one fight Karabela was able to turn her attentions elsewhere, satisfied at the sign that this battle was not meant for her.  Birna took off and charged into battle and Raba decided that it was time for her to take action as well.  She could almost feel her mother's spirit encouraging her, singing battlefield songs in her head and promising her the answers she sought in exchange for spilt blood.  Her eyes fixed on the male that was attacking Mercy.  Well, he looked nice and fit!

Karabela's defenses fell rapidly into place.  Her legs spread equidistant apart, the limbs coiling to lower her center of gravity in preparation for her spring toward the shorter opponent.  Her weight spread evenly over her grounded limbs.  Raba's head lowered and her tail rose so that both aligned with her spine.  Her chin tucked as her jaws parted hungrily.  Toes spread and claws bit into the dirt as her eyes narrowed and her ears pinned tightly back to her head.  Hackles raised as her shoulders rolled forward and her neck scrunched back, chin tucking to further protect her throat before she charged, seeking to close the distance between herself and Xephyris.

Karabela attempted to come in low and approach Xephyris' left side perpendicularly so that her head would line up with the left side of his face.  Xeph's head was quickly rotating to his right to bite Mercy's throat… and leaving his own throat exposed to Karabela's gluttonous fangs.  Karabela sought to grab hold of the mans throat, just below his jawline, her upper fangs seeking to land on the left side of his trachea, her lower fangs on the right.  She wanted to snap her jaws in a brutal hold over the mans trachea in the hopes of choking him out if not puncturing the vital tube.  

Simultaneous with her bite Karabela's weight would shift evenly to her left front leg and back legs as she sought to lift her right foreleg and shift her weight suddenly forward to jut the middle of the front of her right shoulder forward into the deltoid muscle, one of the large muscles where his shoulder and upperarm met, of Xephyris left foreleg hoping to barrel into him with enough force to cause severe bruising as well as cause the muscle to spasm and compromise the other mans balance.  Immediately afterward she would seek to bring her right forepaw crashing down on his left forepaw with the intent of shifting her hefty weight down on the paw and fracturing some of his toes.

Mother?  Are you watching?  I'm going to make you proud!

Karabela and Mercy vs Xephyris for Dominance Rd 1 of 2

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king