
Chpt.1 Family Ties



5 Years
10-13-2015, 09:21 PM
Times Like These - Foo Fighters

BIC:: The brute couldn't have been more happy with his life as he was in that moment. After all the crazy stuff that that the two of them had been through together, the smoke had finally cleared enough for them to stop a moment and just play. This would be a find end to a string of pleasant moments marking his return to the long forgotten home.

But when all was finally said and done, he would come to a trot then finally to a stop. Taking a seat beside his sister, the brute would settle into a laying position, his cut shoulders and forearms suiting him quite well. He wasn't the biggest of strongest of wolves, but Newol was an ox of a creature in terms of stamina. His breathing settled very quickly as he took a brief look around the surrounding. Returning his gaze to his sister, a chuckle would escape from a parted maw as she teased him about the woman's scent on him. He held no regret over what had happened in the Singing Caverns. They'd waited long enough to have each other. And now they did. As to her first question, he had to stop for a moment. He went to answer her, but his voice never made it out of his lungs. His mind went blank as he stumbled around for what to do. His ears would fold back as he looked deep into his sister's eyes with a serious expression for a moment, almost asking for help even. It was still proving difficult to readjust after that long year. Finally he found the words and forced them out. "Be patient with me, I haven't spoken in a year." And with that he would turn his gaze to his paws for a second before collecting himself.

His expression settled back into an easy one, he would look back up at her and tilt his head in the direction he had come. "I wondered the Wilderness. I knew who I was a long time ago. Then I got lost in all the chaos that she caused. I had to go find me again." It wasn't much in the way of details. But it was enough for her to grasp his meaning and reasoning. And that is finally when the questioning look settled into his eyes. Newol was no fool. He knew the price that the passage of time took. Erani had been tough as nails in life, even in her old age. But even she was not immortal. He'd only hopped for one thing. He had a sense of when she had paced. One night he'd been over come with a powerful feeling of emotion. It had been both joy and sorrow at the same time. It had been the only time in his venture that he'd raised his maw to the sky and sang long into the night. He imagined that was the night she passed. Of course that could have been wrong, and it could have just been a feeling. But some part of him just knew. Again his ears would fold back as he looked deep into her eyes. Again his words would be simple as they fell from his maw. "Did she go easy?" he prayed that Surreal would know what he meant. Because it would hurt him right now to say words like Erani and Mother aloud right now. Be was probably done saying them in that regard. They where something now to be held close to the chest Very near and dear.