
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}


10-13-2015, 10:09 PM

Arietta kept her focus on her defenses as she lunged for her first opponent. While the young woman wasn’t exactly a warrior, she was sure as hell going to try her hardest for Sin and Hellstrom. This was her family. Her home. She would keep her ears pinned as she ran, her eyes narrowed and her head aligned to her spine. Tail was tucked carefully under her body, legs widened to change her stance, toes widened as well, and claws biting into the earth with each step. Shoulders were rolled forward, hackles raised to make her body appear bigger than it really was, and jaws were parted with lips snarling. She was more than ready to land her attacks on this man, until something coming at her from her left side caught her attention.

Fear was within her, but Arietta would not run away. She’d spin to her left ninety-degrees face her new found opponent. The woman was a giant, towering over her own height. The important thing now was to not panic. She had to act. Defenses would be reset smoothly as she found herself facing Birna. Head was once more aligned with her spine, ears pinned, and eyes narrowed. Tail remained safely tucked beneath her, weight evenly distributed across spread legs. Toes were spread, claws biting into the earth. Shoulders were rolled forward, hackles raised, and jaws parted with a snarl.

With roughly three feet left between them Arietta would shift her weight to her back legs and attempt to spring forth, adjusting her body about thirty degrees to the right, heading towards Birna’s left. Arietta would seek to slide her body alongside Birna’s left, her shoulder passing Birna’s own shoulder, with head kept level to her spine to avoid the bite. Her face was currently angled outward, facing away from Birnda’s body. The woman’s {Birna’s} left foreleg, due to Arietta no longer being centered, would then also miss her body.

What Arietta would not avoid, however, was the slam the woman sought to administer. Rather than the attack landing upon her {Arietta’s} upper left foreleg the attack would hit the front and upper part of her back left leg above the knee on the lower part of the thigh. The bruising that would form from the damage would be moderate later on, and the leg sweep would catch that same limb {left back leg} on the brown woman. This would cause Arietta to shift to her left another five degrees or so, stumbling forward slightly before she caught herself. There was now roughly six inches between the two, with Arietta’s head next to the center of Birna’s side. Arietta would redistribute her weight across her limbs, shifting it evenly onto her back legs, as she sought an attack of her own. This would leave her parallel next to the larger woman.

Catching her defenses mid-stride Arietta would subconsciously make sure they were all in place. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, shoulders rolled forward, and head aligned with the spine. Tail would of course remain tucked, legs spread, toes spread, and claws digging into the soil with each stride. Hackles would remain raised, her jaws never closing. They sought the flesh of the other woman, and by the will of the Gods she would taste Birna’s blood.

As Arietta moved alongside Birna, heading straight along her parallel path, her hind legs would thrust hard into the dirt, using her claws to attempt to kick up about two clawfulls of dirt upward in Birna’s facial direction. That done, her goal now was to strike Birna’s knee with the bony part of her left shoulder at a fourty-five degree angle with as much force as possible to knock it out of place. Arietta now found her head positioned slightly above and to the right of Birna’s hip, still parallel to the other woman. {Birna} Arietta would shift her weight evenly on her legs and raise the front half of her body up, knees bent and front limbs extended, aiming to clamp her upper jaw over the base of Birna’s tail and her lower jaw back across Birna’s hip in a forceful bite.

Arietta vs Birna for Maim {Displace Back Left Knee}
Round:: 1 / 2

{{Ooc:: Lunar has stated that she thought a fair distance between Arietta and Birna to start was 8-10 feet. I have agreed to this.}}
"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Dione