
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2015, 11:42 AM
Sin danced around, but Hati persisted with a furious roar and managed to slam his right shoulder into the ribs behind the shoulder he'd been aiming for. Having been aiming to get a grip beneath Sin's throat, Hati found his neck contorted at an awkward angle as he struck and his jaws instead caught in the back of Sin's scruff and right side of Sin's neck a third of the way up from his shoulders and forced Hati's neck to arch awkwardly over the very top of Sin right shoulder to compensate for the change in position. He aborted his attempt to hook Sin's left forepaw entirely in order to balance himself in the position he found himself in - not even noticing as Sin's left paw smashed down where Hati's would otherwise have been had he not moved, without scoring a hit. It was that very awkward position that that saved him from greater injury as Sin attempted to smash his shoulder against Hati's throat, because Sin had to push against the stiffness of the tensed muscles in Hati's neck, mitigating much of the force he may have otherwise used. Rather than striking Hati's throat, the attempted jab simply made the arc of Hati's neck more extreme. Hati grunted at the moderate strain in the muscles on top of his neck immediately behind his skull as they were pulled by the positioning, and jerked in pain as Sin's attempt to reach Hati's eye landed short due to their close proximity and angle, instead drawing moderate furrows along the bottom of his right cheek just before the hinge of his jaw.

Hati released the useless grip he held in an attempt to give himself some breathing room. His defenses remained set, adjusting fluidly each step of the way, fighting having been second nature to him since he was a young pup first thrown into training against his littermates. His stance was bulldog-wide, his weight evenly distributed, his joints bent slightly. His paws spread wide as his toes flexed to drive his claws into the ground to improve his grip, his tail tucking firmly against his leg to keep it out of the way of stray teeth. His shoulders hunched forward as his head returned to the level of his spine, the motion bunching up his scruff to give him a sullen look, but one that would allow the looser folds of skin and fur and fat to better protect him. Spikey fur spiked even further with his hackles raised all along his back and neck, and tattered ears pressed back into the fluff of the fur on the back of his neck. His gold eyes were narrow shining slits as he glared at the pale wolf.

Immediately upon releasing his grip Hati drew his weight onto his hind legs, not rearing but simply pulling back and bending his hocks nearly to the ground as he pivoted on his hindquarters, turning his front end towards his right in an attempt to bring him into alignment with Sin's head at a very shallow angle, almost parallel. Digging in his hind claws and uncoiling his hindlegs to launch forward with great greater force, the heavy male attempted to slam the left front of his chest into the back of Sin's right elbow in a bid to overextend and perhaps completely displace the joint since he was aiming his leap for a point passed the leg. Simultaneously his gaping jaws sought to align with Sin's right eye, his lower jaw seeking to hook on the arch of Sin's right cheekbone and his upper canines aiming to cross over the top of Sin's skull to the upper part of the left eye socket, in an attempt to completely crush the delicate eye socket of Sin's right eye and possibly even the upper nasal bone. He wanted to blind the male, leave him writhing in his own blood and eye juices for his foolishness.

HATI vs SIN for MAIM (blinding of right eye)
Round 2/2

(OOC: since it wasn't stated where on Sin's scruff the bite was I specified. Confirmed their positioning from Sin's post with Dragon. If anyone is confused about Liar and why I'm not responding to that - Riv opted to withdraw from the fight so the post was removed. Dragon if you have any questions about what Hati did you have my skype.)
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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