
A Message To The Unknown



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-14-2015, 02:44 PM


He waited patiently, the alphas words lingering in the air between them for a moment before he himself would respond. Although he couldn't say for sure whether he would aid in attacking Donostrea later down the line, he would see this as his return gesture. He would not aid whomever else decided to attack, not since they so kindly offered to help a man such as himself, and this had been the only time he had ever sought help...but it was more for his children then himself. He did not want them around when war came, did not want to risk their lives being taken and their freedom stripped away. Come hell or high water, he would not allow that.

He nodded, a small smile on his face as sharp amber gaze looked the other Alpha in the eyes. "You are safe from an attack from us, do not worry. And should you find war on your doorstep, your children and family are welcome to seek refuge." He looked past him then, eyes full of thought as he considered the possibilities of the future. "I have no doubt Hellstrom will fall in the upcoming war on account of our pack being so small...but we will rise again. Of that I am sure. And when that happens, your family are welcome to visit. I'm sure Silva would like that." Was he being nice? Maybe. His mind was a fickle thing, but he would do anything for the sake of his children, and until his pack grew bigger, they would need all the neutral parties they could get....or at least, try and not make more enemies until they were ready.
