
Timeless Wanderer


10-14-2015, 06:00 PM

Her reaction towards him surprised the hell out of the giant. He rose to his feet, hackles bristling in alarm at the wild stare in her eyes. Pearlescent gaze remained fixed on her, eyes trapped against his skull. What was wrong with her? And then what she said shocked him. Kill...her babies? He would never do such a thing! It was barbaric! That was what he former pack did, and so he had left only to return months later to find them all slaughtered...even the children. This woman seemed to have what he knew as a syndrome and...wait...could she be? Was she from the pack his old pack had raided? He had been young at the time, but he knew about the raid...and it had sickened him.

Stepping back a few more paces in case she sought to attack him, he regained his composure as he looked at the wild eyed woman. "I would never do such a barbaric thing!" He snarled lightly, teeth bared at her assumption. His composure was wavering, but he would not submit either. Either she would believe him or not, and if the latter he would try to make her understand. "I am not like my pack once were.. Never have been. Why do you think I would kill your children? They are innocent!"

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'