
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
10-14-2015, 07:24 PM

Sloppy.  Birna internally screamed at herself for being caught off guard by her opponents quick movements.  Birna was letting her own hubris go to her head and it was going to cost her if she didn't start fighting more intelligently and less like a buffalo.  What would Björn think?  Either way though she felt a sense of respect for this smaller woman, who rather than running away actually turned to face her larger opponent before springing forward to attack.

Birna's jaws missed the woman entirely, as did her left leg.  Her chest slam would connect with the upper front of Arietta's back leg above the knee on the lower part of the thigh.  The impact was sure to cause bruising to her opponent, her own size and the greater girth of her chest distributing the impact would spare her from bruising in return.  Her right forepaw would manage to snag Arietta's left back leg and as she pulled the limb toward her the other woman would stumble but not enough to fall completely over.  Birna checked her defenses, all four limbs quickly returning to solid ground, spreading equidistant below her as her weight shifted evenly over them, limbs staying coiled to keep her center of gravity low.  Her skull would lower to align with her spine, her chin tucking toward her breast as her neck scrunched back, shoulders rolled forward while her hackles would rise to protect the base of her neck and spinal column.  Birna's toes splayed, her nails gripping into the earth as her tail swiftly tucked along her underside, intent on offering her belly some protection against this shorter opponent.  Her eyes would narrow and her ears remain pinned to her head.

As Arietta would stumble Birna sought to turn her upper body to her own left (with her hind legs to follow her upper body around) in a desire to line herself up at a 30º facing in towards the front of Arietta's left hind leg, hoping the other woman's stumble would give her some extra time as she kicked forward.  As she moved Birna would narrowly avoid Arietta's kicking of dirt.  Little twerp!  Arietta's left shoulder throw for Birna's left knee would miss the intended target and land just below her knee causing minor bruising but failing to leave a serious impact due to Birna's shift away from the smaller woman.  Arietta's jaws however had a farther reach and while the attack would fail to gain hold it would still tear moderate lacerations across the top of her hip and the base of her tail, her blood being the first to spill.  

Birna snarled, her own jaws parting and her head tilting slightly to her right, as she sought to return the smaller woman's attacks, her legs coiling tightly as her jaws sought the flesh in the crevice of Arietta's left leg where the thigh met the side of her body.  Birna wanted to gain a powerful grip that would sever and cripple the long muscle (Sartorius) that stretched from the hip to the knee and was responsible for flexing the knee.  Simultaneously she would shift her weight into her left forelimb and back legs as she sought to launch the center of her left shoulder into the middle of Arietta's side just behind the woman's ribs with the intent of causing bruising and knocking her over.  Birna would also slightly lift her right foreleg to throw the lower front of her right shoulder violently forward with the intent of slamming it into Arietta's left knee cap with the goal of dislocating it and further crippling the limb.  Immediately after she'd seek to slam her right forepaw down on Areitta's left hind paw with the intention of shifting her weight onto the paw and breaking Arietta's toes.  Birna was a brutal beast and she would not lose to this woman.  Precise. Disciplined. Dangerous.  She had a reputation to live up to and she would never live it down if she were defeated by one of Sin's trembling playthings no matter how brave that plaything might be.

-- You Can Bury My Body But I'll Never Die --
Birna vs Arietta for Maim (blinding of left eye) Rd 2/2

Reference If Needed
[Image: 262ny8g.png]