
I keep trying to find me

Bright Moon


6 Years
10-14-2015, 07:37 PM
After joining up with Fiori, Bright was still trying to get used to her new life and these unfamiliar lands. She'd been too uncertain to seek out any of the pack members to get to know them yet, and she felt awful for it. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. Instead, she tried to focus on herself, exploring the lands and making note of the location of many different plants. She recognized some herbs, but she still couldn't identify most plants. She knew she should seek out the healers in Fiori, Leo had said there were a few... but she just wasn't ready yet.

Through her explorations she found herself in a serene place where the willows danced in the breeze and clear streams trickled peacefully amongst the tree's roots. There was little other growth, but it was a beautiful place, and she thought it worthwhile to explore it further. She padded daintily through a stream, dipping her head to drink before looking up to see another wolf. A man. Bright backed away, concealing herself behind the long tendrils of a willow, peeking out just slightly to watch the wolf. For so long she had avoided contact with strangers, fearing harm, but could she always live that way? As her silver eyes watched him, she could see that he was enjoying this place just as much as she was. He couldn't be all that bad, right? Not everyone was a criminal.

Taking a deep breath, Bright stepped out into the open, her paws wading into yet another stream as she slowly approached the earthen-coated male. Her forepaws perched on the root of a massive, ancient tree, and she offered a shy smile to the man. "Hello there," she called out softly, "This is a beautiful place, isn't it?" She would begin with small talk and get a feel for the wolf in front of her, before introducing herself or asking anything else of him.

OOC: Sorry about the awful delay in responding to this. Life got the best of me and I had no muse left, but I'm back and trying to catch up!