
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}

Mercy I


5 Years

10-15-2015, 12:40 AM

Well well, it would seem that her little outburst finally got her some attention.

The male who started to charge at her was at least eight inches shorter than her, and she could almost feel herself begin to feel a little impressed with him. It only took her moments to get ready, falling into her fighters stance was as easy as breathing. Her legs were spaced an equal distance apart, limbs bending as her toes splayed outwards, nails biting into the earth. Her purple eyes narrowed, shoulders rolling forward as her chin tucked towards her chest. Hackles were raised and ears pressed flat against her skull, lips pulled back into a snarl. Tail rose to align with her spine as her head lowered to do the same, and she was oh so ready.

There was a shape that came at Mercy's right side, aimed for her oppenents left side. A snarl ripped out of Mercy's throat, but there was no time to curse at Karabela-- Raba? What. The. Fuck. But she shook herself, this was not a time to dwell on this, they, apparently, regardless of the fact that Mercy was pissed the fuck off that she was getting help, had an opponent who was close. And then Xephyris was before them, and Mercy eyed him with hostility. As his parted jaws came towards her, Mercy aimed her already downward tilted head towards Xephyris' top jaw. Her jaws parted as her head tilted to her own right, her top jaw aimed for the left side of his top jaw, her bottom jaw aimed for the right side of his top jaw. Mercy intended to hold his top jaw in her grasp, rendering it useless as well as stopping his bite that had been aimed at her throat. Hopefully her teeth punctured the sensitive skin there, or even the gums that lay under his thin lips. The pale woman's shoulders were already jutting forward, so as Xephyris aimed his right shoulder to slam into her left shoulder, she hoped that her own left shoulder would retaliate and strike him with enough force to bruise. Mercy rocked forward slightly, hoping to shove her left shoulder forward into the front of his right shoulder. She felt a moderate bruise spreading across the front of her own left shoulder, but she didn't care. But the force was not enough to knock her back, and she stayed firmly in place. Mercy then lifted her front left leg up, pushing her weight to her right to keep her balanced as she aimed to strike out with her paw, hoping to slam Xephyris' right foreleg with the pad of her front right paw, right on his right elbow joint. She hoped that with enough force she could bend his leg backwards. (Counter to paw strike.) She had little intentions of walking away hurt from this.

As she attacked, her gaze shifted towards Raba, and she shot the girl a dagger glare. She was more than capible of fighting, and didn't need the brats help. She was curious though, as to where she had disappeared. However, this wasn't the time nor the place, so she allowed it. For now.

Karabela and Mercy vs Xephyris for Dominance
Round 1 of 2


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.