
I Don't Speak Whale



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-15-2015, 01:03 PM

Sonticus was growing rather quiet as of late, she hadn't seen Arian in some time, and she wondered where she had gone off to. She was well aware of the change in leadership, so perhaps Arian had gone to take some time off for herself. Avalon herself had been working hard, keeping up with Juniper's training and keeping an eye out for trouble. Although it seemed since their move, everything had been quiet. Did Valentine decide to finally leave them alone? Or at least...whatever it was that Arian feared of him? She had met the male, and he didn't seem bad. But she also didn't know what had happened between him and Arian either.

She would sigh, pushing all of that from her mind to think about better times ahead. She had finally found her long lost love, the pair had finally found each other again, and the result of their love was growing inside of her. While she wasn't heavily pregnant yet, her sides had begun to show a baby bump, although someone could easily mistake that to be her fluffy fur. Stepping out into the Sands of the bay, she smiled and closed her eyes for a moment as the cool winds rolled over her form, tussling her fur. Her life was finally coming together. She was finally learning what happiness was all over again.

She startled then, the sound of a huge crash making her jump as her eyes snapped open. Confusion set in, brows furrowed as she looked around. Where had that sound come from? Moving closer to the water, she paused as the waves lapped at her toes, the sun sparkling over the clear water. And then, something massive would jump from the water, the large form arching as it fell with a crash again. Her mouth opened in a gasp, her attention on the breaching whale. Over a few moments, a few more would rise, tails slapping the water as they congregated off shore. She had seen whales back in soul sand cove, and she remembered her father calling these ones humpback whales. She sat then, enjoying the day and the show that nature provided.

"Talk" "You" Think


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